Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Here we go all over again. I HATE this feeling but it's inevitable. Tonight is my last night in Korea and the feeling of leaving the place... having to say, "until next time...." sigh. Good food, company, and memories. If I could travel every day for the rest of my life, I would in a heartbeat but the leaving aspect part of all this kills me. Just knowing that once I step off that plane, routine starts all over again but I know that this is what makes these trips that much more special. Any place I travel to, I ALWAYS end up in a full blown melancholy rut. It's routine now but I eventually get over it. Just ends up motivating me more to work and study harder so I can reward myself and save up for another trip to who knows where. Tonight, after we had our last meeting with a few friends, my body finally gave in. This always seems to happen. You run on adrenaline and then on the last night/day you mentally just give up. You begin to realize what being tired really is.. physically and mentally. As much as I feel and thnk otherwise, I am ready to go back home. Until next time Korea. PAEYYYCEEEEEE.

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